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The Magic of Having a Friend Customer Reviews
:- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Kara Hoff -- A lesson for all generations : Let me tell you that Dr. Farr’s books never disappoint! I absolutely loved reading ‘the magic of having a friend’! The story illustrates one of the keys to life that I think goes well beyond childhood. Being able to start a friendship, or build connection, is what i consider to be the premise of learning to navigate such an unpredictable world. Facing our insecurities with the help of a friend, or sometimes a stranger, as well as taking a leap of faith can come together to beautifully collide and promote new found confidence. This book is a without a doubt a must read for every child and adult! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Alison Lee -- Such a cute read! : This is such a cute story about two kindergarten boys who grow to become best friends. If every kid had Alex's attitude, the world would be such a better place! A must-read for any young child before starting school. The author has really captured how the confidence of a child can grow with the help of a great friend. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Kim Coleman Teacher -- Super cute! : What a great book! I love the simplicity of how it shows the power of friendship and belonging! The colors and illustrations are very eye catching! Can't wait to share it with my colleagues!!! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2021 )
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